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NOTES Marina Plastic Surgery

Please read through some of the comments our patients have shared with us about their experiences and the delight they feel with their new bodies. If you know you want to share some of those same feelings about yourself and you just can’t wait to get started, just go Inside online. You can request your consultation with one of our surgeons and find out how you can save $100 to $150 on your appointment.

I really appreciated the very warm socks & heat, & the cushiony operating table. My legs & feet felt extremely relaxed. I am amazed at how I slipped into sleep & awoke to having a nurse help me put my clothes on. It was very gentle, & relaxing experience which calmed any anxiety I was feeling before the surgery. Thank you Dr. Stevens and entire staff for taking care of me in the upmost professional & comfortable way.


*Individual results may vary

Dr. Stevens gave me a breast reduction and lift. I had NO problems healing and it’s been one of the best things I ever did for myself. I should have done it years earlier. The scars have faded to almost nothing and they look gorgeous.

Do not hesitate to go to Dr. Stevens for this. He does perfect work!


*Individual results may vary

Dr. Grant Stevens,

I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to see me on 3 April 1998, concerning the small lump that I had detected in my right breast. I will always be grateful for your concern and the professional manner in which you and Patrice handled my HMO. As you can imagine, I was very worried, but after visiting your office, I knew I could handle whatever steps had to be taken.

As a follow up, I did go straight from your office to get the ultrasound. The results from that indicated that it was almost certainty a cyst. From there, I was referred to a General Surgeon. After his exam, and a review of my test results, he concurred with you that the lump did not appear or feel like it was cancerous. His recommendation, as was your, was to wait and watch it for a few months. As of this date, it has almost completely disappeared. I had my GP examine it last week during a routine office visit and he confirmed that it was almost completely gone.

Again, I must thank you for your kindness and concern. I also want to again thank Patrice for her support and tenacity in connecting you with my HMO radiologist to obtain my mammogram results. By the way, I will never stop recommending you and your staff of professionals to my friends.

A faithful and devoted patient,

*Individual results may vary


I think of you often when I put on a form-fitting dress that shows a flat tummy and breasts that don’t sag…the mommy makeover was the best thing I have ever done (well, besides giving birth to Ryan), my self-esteem climbed so high and it went higher today…I just got back from the office getting BOTOX!! Once again, thank you so much for all you did with my mommy makeover and then sending the BOTOX coupon out, you are like my body guardian angel! I will always appreciate what you have done for me…you truly are an angel!!

Dr. Grant Stevens is the biggest reason I look the way I do. I will forever be grateful and appreciative of ALL of you did (everything from the consultation $ to the actual surgery recovery). I am a recovering addict who was scared to death to have to take painkillers for this, but because of your superior skills, I didn’t have to be on them long at all, so that was an issue that you made SO much easier. I could go on and on about how much happier I am and how my self-image took a HUGE leap and how I LOVE to put on bikinis, but I think you get the picture. I believe everyone that walks through that door for you should write a testimonial, you are SO worth it!!

Thank you again and again and again!!

Love and sincerely,

*Individual results may vary

A year ago I had the blessing of having a breast reduction with Dr. Stevens. I say a blessing because I am 24 years old and never thought that at this age I would have been able to do this surgery due to my age as well as financial reasons, but with the help of the staff at Marina Plastic Surgery (particularly Jessica and Charlie) they made it happen for me.

I have always had a large chest at the age of 17 I was a DD and after my first child at 22 I ended up with an F cup, which was uncomfortable and painful. I couldn’t breast feed my child easily so I had to pump. Shopping for tops, bras and bathing suits was just miserable. I took a toll on my overall image, I would really have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror and feeling good. The pain I had to deal with in my back was very frustrating as well I had headaches, shoulder, and neck pain basically my life revolved around my breast.

Now thanks to Dr. Stevens and his amazing staff I lost 25lb I am down to a C cup I have never felt so good. I enjoy shopping now (a little too much if you ask my husband) I look in the mirror and I don’t feel awful. I am so happy. I could not be grateful enough to the wonderful people at Marina Plastic Surgery – they make miracles happen.

Thank you again,

*Individual results may vary

I have had a few procedures done at Marina Plastic Surgery and I could write about how pleased I was with all of them but I must comment on my Pearl Treatment. The results totally exceeded my expectations, my skin has never looked better. I have had several compliments from friends on how clear and beautiful my skin looks and these are people that did not know I had the procedure.


*Individual results may vary

Everything was amazing, the doctor and my anesthesiologist were wonderful!

*Individual results may vary

Dear Dr. Stevens, Charlie, Lindsey, Patricia, Nurses, and all the girls in the office,
I just wanted to let you know I am back in Bahrain. I am doing great and very happy to be home with my family now. Thank you all so much for all your kindness and attentive care and making me feel so comfortable. I really appreciated all that you did to get me a surgery date so fast.

To Dr. Stevens,
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, there are not enough thank yous in the world to let you know how you have made me feel. The surgery was so much easier than I could have ever imagined, I wish that I had done it earlier. But I am glad I finally did, and with such a wonderful Doctor as you. You are truly a remarkable artist and wonderful surgeon. God bless you, your family and all your staff.

Happy Holidays and a very happy New Year to you all,
Warm Regards,

*Individual results may vary

Dear Dr. Stevens, Charlie and the best Nursing staff,
I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking such a great care of my daughter. She has been suffering from severe back and shoulder pain for the last few years. No support bra or strong bra was able to support her excessive weight of her chest. She always had bruises on the shoulder and her back from the strap. She was restricted in so many physical activities and it had affected her emotionally. Always unable to buy clothes that fit her chest and the rest of her body, it was just a drastic difference.

Doctor Stevens, we are grateful for your Incredible “Laser Bra”. It is natural and by far more supportive than other method. I am sure your Laser Bra will be the standard for the industry. Your treatment of such a delicate matter with a young girl was most gentle and so fatherly. You put her at so much ease, and for that I thank you.

Charlie and the all the nurses were so professional and helpful in the entire process.

She just came home from college today, Now that the bruises and swelling are gone, wow what a difference I see in her. Physically and emotionally.

With much Gratitude,

*Individual results may vary

LORD HAVE MERCY!! Tina Rocks!! She gave me the best, REAL facial I have ever had. Forget about the Beverly Hills luxury facials out there – now I know that they are worthless. Having had Tina’s medical facial made such a profound difference that I am 100% confident that I am in the best care for keeping my skin beautiful, healthy and youthful. Thank you Tina! See you next month.


*Individual results may vary

“Are you tired?” “Are you okay?” “Are your allergies bothering you?” If I heard those questions once, I heard them a thousand times and, if anything, I was ONLY tired of hearing THESE comments! In fact, I was always fine and well rested — but my heavy upper eyelids and puffy bags suggested otherwise.

I remember clearly the crisp spring day that I made the decision to finally do something to improve the appearance of my eyes…I felt like Spring-time was a perfect symbolism for my own re-birth and freshness!

The moment I made a decision – I felt excited. The procedure was quite easy. I went home right afterward, sat on the couch and watched television. I kept thinking that at some point the pain would settle in, but it never did. By the next morning, I was feeling great. Pain was a non issue. All I had to contend with was some swelling. I’m not great at sitting still, so I strapped on my frozen zorro gel mask and rested, as Dr. Stevens advised. Admittedly, some of my neighbors looked at me a bit funny when I arrived home, but I was overjoyed to tell them I had blepharoplasty (eye lift) and would look great before long. Within days, I was back to work.

Within the days and weeks to follow, patients and friends alike were commenting how great my eyes looked and that maybe they should sign up for surgery too. My cousin, who before my surgery felt somewhat hesitant about the idea, now said to me, “oh…maybe you did need to have that done after all! When can I have it?”

It’s been 5 years now. I’ve not regretted it once and I’m still grateful every day. It was totally easy and totally worth it. Before surgery, no one seemed to notice my eyes… But now, people compliment my “Gorgeous Baby Blues.”

Thank you Dr. Stevens,

*Individual results may vary

Dear Dr. Stevens and Charlie,

WOW, I cannot thank you enough for the fabulous results on my face and eyes!! Every time I look in the mirror, I am a bit startled with my new looks. Oh, I am the same person, but I now have a much more youthful look. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

Dr. Stevens, I love my eyes. I get so many compliments with friends telling me how good I look. They think it is because I retired, but I know it it is because you did such a terrific job on my eyes! I, of course, have shared the real truth with some very close friends. I am so proud of your work. The final touch, of course, was the Pearl Treatment. Thank you Dr. Stevens and Charlie for this amazing gift! Cory did a superb job, and within one week, my face was cleansed of those remaining brown spots. A couple of months prior to this treatment, I had the Melanage Treatment which was a perfect jump start to the Pearl Treatment.

I truly appreciate all of the services you provide. I am not one to “jump in” and go for a big change right away, so over the years I have taken advantage of your many offerings: BioMedic Facials, BOTOX®, Restylane, Permanent Makeup, etc. Cory is the BEST! She is by far the consummate professional. She have been so patient with me, answering many, many questions. I trust her explicitly.

As you stated in your December letter to me, “Age…But don’t get older! ….Because aging should be a beautiful experience.” Today is my birthday, and I have just turned 64. I must admit that this is the first time that I have truly felt that aging is a beautiful experience. Thank you for helping me with my journey. I will return again very soon.


*Individual results may vary

I am a mother of one who suffered from a “deflated” chest. Prior to pregnancy, I had a full chest and was very happy with my appearance. Since having my daughter I have used many techniques to give the appearance of a larger bustline. I bought padded bras and gel inserts for my bra so that I could fit into certain types of clothing. I had always thought about getting breast augmentation, but never thought that it was right for me…until I saw the new Silicone “Gummy” implants. Everyone I saw who had them looked so natural and raved about the fact that they felt natural too. I knew right then that I had to have them! I had a consultation with Dr. Grant Stevens at Marina Plastic Surgery Associates to determine if I was a candidate for this procedure. Luckily I was, and I scheduled my surgery right away. I was back to work after a week, and only experienced minor swelling. Having breast augmentation not only improved my appearance, but it also helped me to feel more confident and feminine. The whole experience was wonderful, and I highly recommend Dr. Stevens to everyone!


*Individual results may vary

They were exceptional. Answered all my questions. Alleviated my concerns. Did a great job!

*Individual results may vary

I was 42 years old and in the middle of a divorce, when I found myself wanting to improve my life physically and emotionally. My self-esteem and my body had suffered from being uncomfortable with my appearance, and endless yo-yo diets coupled with the results of having 3 pregnancies.

I started to pursue my long term career goals that had been pushed aside for years. Once I got the job I had longed for, I started to save my money for the surgery I desired as well. Soon, I had a consult with Dr. Grant Stevens in California. The entire experience was wonderful. The staff was knowledgeable and professional and most importantly, Dr Stevens gave me confidence and hope. It has been 13 years since having my breast augmentation and tummy tuck, and yet I am still reminded each and every day how grateful I am to have had the surgery. I remain very satisfied with the results, and have gained more confidence in myself. Thank you Dr Stevens for improving the quality of my life!


*Individual results may vary

Hi Charlie,

I just wanted to give Dr. Stevens and his staff a testimonial for my entirely positive experience 4 weeks after my breast reduction and lift. I knew that I would be happy and relieved eventually, but I did not think I would feel so good so quickly. Based on what I had read on the internet, I mentally prepared myself to be uncomfortable for a while after the surgery, scheduled it during a slow time for my business and lined up friends to be on hand to help me.

What a fantastic surprise to come out of the surgery, with no pain whatsoever! I was given prescriptions for pain, nausea, and sleep aids “just in case” and I did not need any of them! I don’t know how that is even possible except to credit Dr. Steven’s LaserBra technique or his expertise as a surgeon in general, along with Dr. Holloway. I was able to do many things immediately, like full range of motion of my arms the day after surgery, to activities like driving just four days later.

I went to a Holiday party a week later and have felt great ever since.

The moderate soreness I feel in my breasts is totally manageable and when I’m distracted or focused on something, I forget about it completely. I have no pain in my back or shoulders anymore and after removing 4 pounds off my chest, I can fit into clothes that I have had in my closet from 15 pounds ago. I’m also very happy with the look of my breasts. He put them back on their original “shelf” and I feel very youthful again.

Thank you,

*Individual results may vary

Dear Charlie and Marina Plastic Surgery Associates:

Words cannot describe my transformation! For the first time in my life I feel “beautiful.”

As a wife, mother, grandmother and executive director of a nonprofit agency serving homeless women and children, I would have heretofore described myself as intelligent, loving, positive, and hard working. However, under no circumstances would I have described myself as “beautiful.” The past several years I have tried to ignore my aging face by burying myself in my work. Housing abused and abandoned women with children and teaching them to how to leave the past behind, became the primary source of my self-esteem. Additionally, the long hours I was putting into my work was taking its toll on my life, and the proof was showing on my face.

Like most women, I spent a fortune on creams, serums, vitamins and special diets, but nothing really worked. My already damaged self esteem was taking additional hits from store clerks who offered me their senior discount (ouch!), and I am not a senior! I hit an all time low when I reviewed an infomercial that I had prepared in order to raise funds for homeless children. A part of me died that day as I sat and watched “in Technicolor” every reason why those store clerks offered me a “senior discount.”

I found sharing my woes with my dearest friend and colleague whom I trust immensely. She kindly listened and then in her typical fashion took action by connecting me with you and your company. While I was somewhat hesitant to do something for myself, my desire to reverse or even minimize the signs of aging overrode my sense of humility.

I must confess that I was a little anxious when I first arrived at the Marina Plastic Surgery office. I was happy and excited but also apprehensive. I was unsure if your practice could erase all those lines and sun damage etched across my face. My fear and anxiety were quickly put to rest when I met your very warm and professional team. Charlie, the Director, greeted me with open arms and introduced me to Carla and Cory, two very caring and professional Physician’s Assistants. Together they evaluated the condition of my face and devised a comprehensive and custom treatment plan just for me. I left that first appointment feeling hopeful, and extremely enthusiastic.

The plan included a BioMedic MicroPeel, Thermage and Pearl Fractional treatments, BOTOX, and fillers- such as Restalyne and Juvaderm , along with some amazing skin care products. Some of the treatments that were suggested I had never even heard of, yet the staff was great and explained every detail of each treatment before they began each procedure. The whole experience was amazing. The treatments were administered in a lovely setting by very knowledgeable, skilled, and caring individuals. I cannot say enough about Cory Felber & Carla Lovato – they surpassed my expectations. For the first time in my life, I feel like a Queen!

Each treatment brought results and new hope. The BioMedic MicroPeel was so relaxing (I loved those warm mitts). My skin glowed and I felt radiant. The Thermage treatment (radiofrequency waves) deeply penetrated my skin where it stimulated my own collagen to lift and tighten my sagging skin. Prior to the more extensive treatments, I was placed into a private room where I comfortably relaxed while the light sedative and numbing cream took effect. The results are astounding! My face looks and feels much firmer and tighter and continues to improve with time.

There was very little or no down time with the Pearl, which wonderfully resurfaced the top third of my skin, while stimulating development of new collagen. The result is the elimination of lines, sun damage, and I was left with soft, baby-like skin.

The BOTOX injections were so fast and easy…and I am kicking myself for not having done these years ago. I could have prevented so many expression lines by just having a few simple injections every four to six months

The Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse and Perlane fillers have completed my makeover. They filled in and erased the facial lines that remained–even around my lips! They worked together to produce for me the most amazing set of lips. They are completely natural looking, and youthfully beautiful. For the first time in my life I am wearing lipstick. My friend, upon seeing me, exclaimed: “Tara, you have lips! Very sexy.” I feel like a brand new woman!

I hope many women take the time to view my before and after pictures, my transformation is so amazing. I look and feel at least 15 years younger. My husband is so crazy about the results that he has set up an account to cover the cost of maintaining the results that Marina Plastic Surgery has achieved for me.

I am so grateful to Dr. Stevens, Charlie, Cory, and all of the staff; They truly transformed more than my face, as they helped me to see that I am truly “beautiful” and that I both deserve and need to care myself in the same way I care for others

Thank you all at Marina Plastic Surgery for “taking me from crayons to perfume” and, in doing so, restoring my self esteem. May God richly bless each one of you!

With love and gratitude,

*Individual results may vary

Dear Dr. Stevens, Charlie, Patrice and Staff,

Thank you so much for your help. The surgery has improved my life. It is so nice not to hurt anymore. No more back pain, neckpain, or headaces. My children thank you too! They have noticed how much better I feel all the time. They get so excited when I can play with them and not hurt. My clothes and bras fit and look so much nicer now. Having the breast reduction was one of the best things I have done for myself.

It would not have been possible without your help. It is great to know that the best doctors are possible.

You all are so wonderful and caring to me and my family. So supportive and understanding to my feelings.

Thank you again!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Jennifer C. and family

*Individual results may vary

Greetings! Hope all’s well.

I am sure that you have heard this all before but I don’t feel that that should prevent me from repeating it as it was entirely relevant to my experience. As well as providing you with an update about myself I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your welcome, concern, advice, and care before, during and after my surgery. This is extended to the entire team – from the receptionists, right up to the top guy Dr. Stevens. I felt that everyone I met constituted a wonderful team by being friendly, informative, frank and helpful – Lindsey, Andrea, Sally, Charlie, Tammy, Maria, and of course yourself.


*Individual results may vary

Charlie, I love my eyes and just as you and the Dr said, people remark how much younger and rested I look without knowing that I had the procedure done. And I love putting on eye makeup now. It really enhances the beauty of my new young eyes. Thank you.

*Individual results may vary

This was an exceptionally positive experience. I am interested in future procedures and wouldn’t go anywhere else!

*Individual results may vary

Hi Patrice,
Greetings! Hope all’s well.

I am sure that you have heard this all before but I don’t feel that that should prevent me from repeating it as it was entirely relevant to my experience. As well as providing you with an update about myself I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your welcome, concern, advice and care before, during and after my surgery. This is extended to the entire team—from the receptionists, right up to the top guy Dr Stevens. I felt that everyone I met constituted a wonderful team by being friendly, informative, frank and helpful—Lindsay, Andrea, Sally, Charlie, Tammy, Maria and of course yourself.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


*Individual results may vary

Hello Dr. Grant Stevens and team,
I am busy preparing for a relocation to Texas! Mike and I have dreamed of Lake Living, and we are moving to the Dallas area – www.pinnaclegolfclub.com.

The reason for this email is to say thanks again. I just came across my pictures of before and after and realize how much I have taken your artistry and wonderful care for granted! I still look soooooo much better, and the best part was the investment I made in my face with a facelift (!!!) in healthier eating habits, regular exercise, and renewed confidence.

Thanks again, God bless all of you…I never keep my facelift a secret, I hope some of the people who are amazed at how natural I look head your way!


Los Angeles plastic surgery models with blonde hair
Los Angeles plastic surgery model with blonde hair


*Individual results may vary

To Dr. Grant Stevens and your fantastic staff,
What a blessing and privilege it has been to have my surgery with you all. Everything went smoothly – no surprises.

If ALL surgeons and their staff were as caring and professional as you, I would always want to keep my check-ups and appointments.

My husband and I pray God’s richest blessings surround, lift and overtake you beyond what you could hope or dream.


*Individual results may vary

I just wanted to thank the whole office staff for their kindness. My surgery went well as did my recovery, and I am very pleased with the outcome of my Cohesive Gels by Mentor. God Bless You All!


*Individual results may vary

Dr. Stevens and Charlie,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for the wonderful care you gave me when I had surgery in November. I also appreciate your generosity when I had no one to take care of me immediately after surgery. The care facility was great! I talked about having breast implants for 10 years or more but was always apprehensive since I did not have a doctor I could trust. My friend Sally told me “Dr. Stevens was the best” so I finally made the appointment. When I met you both, you made me feel so comfortable I had no doubt in my mind that this was the right decision. Dr. Stevens, you ARE the best and you have a way about you that made me feel so at ease and safe and I thank you for that!!! I love my new “gummy bears” and am glad I chose them over saline. Dr. Stevens, I will highly recommend you to anyone that is considering surgery. Thank you so much for making this decision so easy for me and for the special care I felt from you and your staff.


*Individual results may vary

Good morning Dr. Stevens,

I just wanted to drop you a note of thanks to you, for two years following my enhancement, I am still so very very happy with your work. I remember intrusting you with the sizing, for I was teetering between a B-C cup, and didn’t want to go too big for my body type. I have to tell you that you were just RIGHT ON, and people are usually surprised if I reveal to them that they are implants. Everyone compliments that they are so well proportioned to my body — and that really pleases me. Thank you again for the wonderful work, and I constantly refer you to people who are interested in implants.

Actually, I work with a woman who is interested in a lift, and I have given her your contact information, so hopefully she will get in to see you for a consultation. This simply reminded me of how happy I am with my procedure, and wanted to take the opportunity to pass along a message to you of THANKS.

Lori V.

*Individual results may vary

October 21, 2004

Hey Sally,
Just wanted you to know I am doing well. All of you are so beautiful. What a great group of people to work with. I enjoyed my surgery(if that is possible). You know I forgot to ask Dr. Stevens. Were my implants placed partially under the muscle? You know I get there and I have these questions and I see his beautiful face and forget them all! I am sure you hear that all the time!

Sally, thank you for everything. You, Patrice and Charlie were wonderful.
And of course Doc……


*Individual results may vary

Dear Dr. Stevens,

Just wanted to follow up with you after 21 years. You gave me a breast implant years ago in your last month as chief resident at Washington University. I was a nurse there and got a great deal financially having ‘students’ do surgery and anesthesia. To make a long story short, I saw you interviewed recently on some celebrity related program my daughter had on. I thought of meeting you in 1984 or 85 and how you told me that your dream was to work in California – helping beautiful women stay that way! Congratulations on living your dream.

Your bio and web site are great. My implants are GREAT, still. I am nearly 50 years old and have soft, shapely, healthy 36C breasts. Not only that, but I have breast fed babies since the surgery without any problems. Just thought you might be interested in some of your first and finest (!) work.

Good luck and continued success,
Pat A.

*Individual results may vary

I am very happy with the surgery results. Thank you very much!

*Individual results may vary

Dear Tammy, Dr. Holloway, Patrice, Maria and the really sweet nurse in the surgery center (I’m so sorry I can’t recall your name because I was so nervous!)

Thank you all so much for making our experience as pleasant and positive as it could be. All of you were so kind to both of us throughout the entire process. Phone calls were always returned, questions were always answered, and we never felt rushed or confused.

I realize you must do this so often, but I never felt like any of you were in a hurry or did not have time for us. Without exception, you all showed extraordinary honesty, efficiency, and empathy — quite an impressive statement to make about an entire (busy!) office.

I can’t tell you how much Jeff and I both appreciate the exceptional care we have been given. We are so lucky to have found you all!

We’ll schedule a follow up next time we’re in LA. Until then, stay happy and well.

Thank You,
Jeff & Shane K.

*Individual results may vary

September 13, 2004

I am thrilled with my new gummie implants. I had been considering breast implants for several years, and waited a long time for several reasons. Mainly, I wanted to make sure the procedure was safe, that I would look natural, and that I found the absolute best doctor to perform the procedure. After doing a lot of research, I am happy that I waited to get the gummies and feel fortunate to have found you through my friend’s referral. I had also heard about you through a surgeon’s office in England.

I had a terrific experience under your care. I was very nervous to have surgery performed. Your nurses and staff were knowledgeable and caring, and assuaged my concerns. From Charlie, who shared with me her personal experience, to Patrice, who helped me with all the necessary arrangement before the surgery and was with me after the surgery, and the rest of the gals in the office.

I was surprised at how little pain I experienced and how minimal was my bruising post surgery, considering what some of my friends had experienced (under the care of other surgeons). I know that this is directly related to the skill of the doctor, and I’m relieved to have felt as little pain. My scar is hardly noticeable (3 months post-op).

My breasts are absolutely beautiful! You helped me to choose the perfect size and shape for my small frame, which look very natural and make my body more proportionate. You are an incredibly talented surgeon (and artist!). I can’t tell you enough how happy I am with them.

I made the right decisions going with the gummies. I have very body fat and natural breast tissue, and the gummies feel like they are already a part of me. Best of all, they look and feel amazingly real. My friends who have saline implants are envious, and one is considering replacing hers with gummies.

I would refer you to any of my friends who chose to have breast surgery. You are absolutely the best! Please feel free to use any of my comments on your website. Also, If you have any patients who are considering thesurgery and would like to speak with a patient, I’d be more than happy to relay my personal experience.

Warmest regards,
Suzanne S.

*Individual results may vary

July 30, 2004

I just wanted to thank Dr Grant Stevens and his great staff of what a great job they did making me feel confortable before and after the surgery.


*Individual results may vary

March 28, 2003

Dr. Stevens,

I want you to know that I am so pleased with the breast implant surgery that you performed. It has been only 8 weeks and there is NO scar (I can’t believe that!) and my breasts are the size and shape that I have always dreamed of – they are beautiful! ALL of my friends think that they are the most natural looking that they have ever seen. You have no idea of how happy you have made me.

I have two friends that are coming to see you – they want exactly what I have now, I told them to use my name.

Thank you for listening to me and giving me the natural look that is so hard to find.


*Individual results may vary

March 9, 2003

Dear Dr. Stevens,
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for being the wonderful surgeon and person that you are. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and results from my breast surgery this month…you are truly an artist. I’m looking forward to seeing you again at the beginning of October for my follow-up appointment. Stay cool!

All the best,
Deena R.

*Individual results may vary

January 23, 2003

I had my breasts done about 9 years ago by Dr. Stevens. He was recommended by my friend. I got a lifetime warranty on my implants and everyone says I have the best most perfect boobjob ever, they can hardly tell that they are not real! He is the best ever, and I would never have anyone else touch my body. In fact I have recommmended him to everyone. I want him to do my nose next.Hhis staff is kind, sincere, honest and helpful. They are very comforting, very beautiful women.

Thank you,

*Individual results may vary

May 26, 1990

Dear Dr. Stevens and “The Girls”,
Thank you all for your many kindnesses and for all the thoughtful ways you made my decision, surgery and hospitalization nearly painless. The flowers were an extension of your kindness and caring, for which I am very grateful.

Thank you all so very much.



*Individual results may vary

August 17, 2001

Dear Dr. Stevens and Staff:

I can’t believe that four months has passed since my breast reduction surgery. I have been so thrilled with the results. It truly has given me reason to go on to further improve my health and appearance. I feel lighter and I do stand taller. My friends ask me what have you done to yourself? My breast are actually better than they were when I was in my twenties and early thirties.

I will turn 55 on August 21 and realize that the aging process can now be an exciting one. My husband suggested I consult with you after watching a report on NBC news of the “Stevens Bra Lift” He knew that the one part of my body that had once been firm and full was now beginning to sag becoming uneven and uncomfortable and I was just about to give up trying to do anything about it. What he did not know is that you were recommended to me as one of the best plastic surgeon’s in California and that I had been planning to consult with you when the time was right for a face lift. As a flight attendant with a major airline we are constantly sharing health and beauty information with flying partners. Your name is one that is both recognized and respected.

Whenever I come to your office whether for a facial I realize that I am being provided with the most advanced procedures available today. Please add my name to your list of happy patients. I would recommend any person who is considering any type of cosmetic or esthetic procedure to first consult with you and your staff. Thank you all at The Institute for your compassion and brilliance.

Most sincerely,

*Individual results may vary

I want to thank you for making me feel more like a woman. Before my [Breast Augmentation] in 12/01 I was very flat chested and always had this longing for a more shapely figure. You have given me confidence I have forever longed for and a body that my boyfriend tells all his friends about. I give your name to every girl that tells me how beautiful my breasts are. They are all envious. I love you Dr. Steven’s.
Love Always, SM

*Individual results may vary

Dear Dr. Stevens,

When I was in the office for my follow-up a couple of weeks ago I saw you so briefly, only having time to ask you a couple of questions and then you had to leave. I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how happy I am with the results of my surgery and how happy I am that I chose you to perform it. I have friends (2) who have had this surgery and I have seen a couple performed on the Discovery Channel. In seeing and experiencing these others, I have a great appreciation for what an outstanding surgeon you all. My recovery has been without a hitch and I couldn’t be happier with the shape and size of my breasts. It’s a whole new, comfortable world for me. I feel very smart and very lucky to have found you.

Thank you again.
Judy H.

*Individual results may vary


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