This 28-year-old woman sustained a severe nasal fracture that caused her nose to slant to the left. The fracture had also caused the nasal bone to protrude on her left side and she had a severely deviated septum that made it difficult for her to breathe, especially at night. Tired of suffering for years and losing sleep because she had to breathe through her mouth at night, she decided to pursue rhinoplasty in Los Angeles.
When she met with her surgeon at Marina Plastic Surgery Associates, she explained her concerns before her surgeon examined her nose. It was clear he would have to perform a septorhinoplasty procedure to adjust her deviated septum and straighten her nose. This would improve both the look of her nose by smoothing the prominent bony edge of her nose and would improve her ability to breathe properly.
When she recovered from her plastic surgery in L.A., she returned to have her "after" photos taken. Her nose is noticeably straighter and smoother in her photos. She reported that she now breathes through her nose easily and sleeps without difficulty. She was thrilled with the new appearance of her nose and said that sleeping better was an unexpected benefit of the surgery. Overall, the surgery had a huge positive impact on her life.
Nose Reshaping
Discover why people from all 50 states and 63 countries around the world have made the journey to become our Patients for Life®. Schedule your consultation today to experience the industry-defining innovation and dedicated attention to detail of Marina Plastic Surgery in los angeles.
4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292