This 29-year-old woman was tired of her extremely small breasts which made it difficult for her to fit into clothing and swimsuits. Wanting her breasts to be fuller and more feminine-looking, she decided to contact Marina Plastic Surgery Associates after looking for a Los Angeles cosmetic surgery center.
When she met with her surgeon, she explained how she felt while her surgeon listened intently. He agreed that a breast augmentation was right for her and discussed her options for implant size, shape and placement. Because she had little breast tissue to begin with, her surgeon suggested that she consider Mentor Contour Gel implants, which are anatomically shaped and textured cohesive gel implants, often called gummy bear implants. These type of implants are much firmer than the common FDA-approved gel implants which makes them less likely to ripple and possibly less likely to rupture. By placing these implants under her pectoral muscle, she would have a more natural-looking breast slope and more natural-feeling breasts.
Sixteen months after her Los Angeles breast augmentation, she returned to have her "after" photos taken. As can be seen in her photos, her breasts are much fuller and look very natural. She was very pleased with the results and felt greater confidence in her bikini.
Breast Augmentation
Discover why people from all 50 states and 63 countries around the world have made the journey to become our Patients for Life®. Schedule your consultation today to experience the industry-defining innovation and dedicated attention to detail of Marina Plastic Surgery in los angeles.
4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292